MBA Admissions Open 2024-25
BBA/BCA Admissions Open 2024-25
11th National Conference on Carving of Novel India
BBA LL.B / LL.B 3 Year

Call for Papers for 26thIssue - July – Dec 2016 (Vol 8, No. 2)

Authors are invited to submit their research paper in the coming issue. All the submitted manuscripts are subjected to a peer review process. There is no charge for publication of manuscript in BVIMR Management Edge. BVIMR, New Delhi is committed to improve the overall research impact through biannual journal. The journal is to contain research papers, articles, case studies, book review, synopsis and summary of Ph.D. thesis recently completed on various recent trends in management concept and practices.

In addition the journal invites manuscripts covering application of theory to real life management activities where the findings would be of interest to researchers, executives, academicians and management students. The journal would publish articles from the areas such as finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, international business, information technology, environment, risk management, globalization and related areas. Articles reflecting diversity, cross-functional nature of management and emerging concerns will also be considered for publication. We take this opportunity to extend invitation to academicians to contribute research paper(s) in the related areas.

Submission Deadline: 25th April 2018
Acceptance Notification: 30th May 2018
Camera Ready Paper: 5th June 2018
Publication Month: September 2018

Note: All the submissions will be double blind peer reviewed. The Editors reserves the right to reject any submission that is clearly out of scope or well below the expected quality of this journal without further review. All material and editorial correspondence should be addressed to:

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Nath
Prof. (Dr.) Broto Rauth Bhardwaj and Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Srivastava

Editors - "BVIMR Management Edge"

Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management & Research
A-4, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 10063
Phone: 011-25284396, 011-25286442 | Tele fax: 91-25286442

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