MBA Admissions Open 2024-25
BBA/BCA Admissions Open 2024-25
11th National Conference on Carving of Novel India
BBA LL.B / LL.B 3 Year


Open Access System

The Library and Bookshelves are open to the all student and faculty of BVIMR. Our Library staff also helps you to locate books and answer queries..

Online Public Access Cataloging (OPAC)

Library catalogue can be searched through this service for the availability of required documents in the library..

Online Access Cataloging (OAC)

The BVIMR Library holding accessed by a computerized Online Access Cataloging (OAC). It allows search for Books / Journals by Key – Word or through several access points like Author, Title, Subject, Publisher and the Year of Publication. The system is externally user – friendly and enables search to conduct with ease and speed..

Classification System

Books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal System. Books are arranged on the shelves in subject wise..

Reference Services

The reference collection in the BVIMR library includes Dictionaries, Directories, Encyclopedias, Biographies, Periodicals, Indexes, Computerized Database and other books held especially for consultation..

Research Section

The research section in the BVIMR Library includes around 72 National and International Journals and Magazines, Ph.D. Thesis / Synopsis, Business Plans, Research / Summer Projects are stocked in the library for guidance for research scholars. The Library staff also provides documentation service to the research scholars..

Recommendation of library books

Any faculty members & students can get purchased books through Library for Library. Firstly they have to recommend the book title, author & publisher in the “Book Recommendation Register” available in the Library..

New Arrival Books Display

List of newly added books in the Library collection is being circulated to all faculty members and students through email. This list of new arrivals is being displayed on Library New Arrival Rack in Library regular basis. Library staff helps faculty and students by searching online/offline information requested by them. Library staff uses available information resources and Open Access journals/databases to explore requested information..

Specialized Support to Users

As per course curriculum students need to work upon few specialized projects, Library staff is helping them by providing needed assistance on information searching..

Book Bank Books Distribution Scheme

Immediately after commencement of the every semester, Library circulate books recommendation form to the faculty members along-with the newly catalogue of books published by publisher. After recommendation Library procure recommended books (accession, cataloguing, classification, data entry process, barcode labeling, book pocketing etc.). It is distributed to the students of each course semester..

Electronic Resources in Digital Library

The Institute subscribing to various e-resources like EBSCO, Taylor & Francis, Sage, Wiley, Pearson, SCC online, Lexis Nexis database & Prowess, DELNET.


BVIMR Library is member of DELNET, New Delhi

Facilities to Visual & Physically Challenged Students

The library has well planned facility to the physically challenged students. A team consisting of self-motivated students and supporting staff is always available for assistance. In front of library entrance, we have lift facility (with liftman available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) so that physically challenged student can be approach / taken to library easily.

Reprographic Service

This service is available in institute’s campus.

Inter Library Loan

Books are not available in the library, can be procured on loan from other libraries through DELNET, New Delhi.

Newspapers Subscription

Library is subscribing 05 leading newspapers on regular basis is containing the list of newspapers available for KRC users.

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