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e-poster making competition Catch the rain

Posted On - 08 Jun 2023
Start Date: 10 Jun 2023 | End Date: 10 Jun 2023

 BVIMR, under the guidance of AICTE, is organizing an e-poster making competition on the theme "Catch the rain" with the aim of sensitizing students about the importance of rainwater harvesting. This initiative seeks to create awareness among the youth regarding the value of conserving and utilizing rainwater as a sustainable resource. By encouraging students to participate in the competition, BVIMR and AICTE hope to foster a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness, empowering the younger generation to become stewards of water conservation. Through their creative expressions in the form of e-posters, participants will have the opportunity to showcase their artistic skills while conveying the significance of rainwater harvesting. This event serves as a platform for students to engage in a meaningful dialogue about water scarcity issues and the role each individual can play in preserving this precious resource. By promoting the understanding that every drop of rainwater matters, BVIMR and AICTE are taking a significant step towards creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

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