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Ph.D - Doctor of Philosophy

Ph.D Programme
The Doctoral Programme of the institute under Bharati Vidyapeeth University prepares the Ph.D. students for careers in teaching and research. The academic programme involves a minimum course credit requirement and research thesis. The institute also encourages research in interdisciplinary areas such as women entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, management and information technology and role of entrepreneurship in enhancing social responsibility among the student fraternity. This degree is imparted through a system of joint supervision and interdisciplinary group activities. The presence of a strong research oriented faculty provides excellent opportunities for such programme.

As a result of the sound research base and extensive infrastructural facilities available, the institute offers Ph.D. program in corporate entrepreneurship, innovation management, management and information technology, knowledge management, e-commerce, data warehousing, data mining, bio-informatics, international business management, flexible systems management, marketing, finance, human resource management, strategic management, technology management, environment management and operations management. The broad objectives of the PhD programme is not only to keep pace with ever expanding horizons of knowledge generation but also to provide research training relevant to the present social and economic development of the country.

  • Rules And Regulations for Ph.D. Programme

    1. Short Title, Application And Commencement:

    • These rules abd regulations shall be called Bharti Vidyapeeth University(Minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) Rules 2009.
    • They shall apply to every Ph.D. programme offered in the constituent units established or to be established by Bharti Vidyapeeth University.
    • They have come into force from 11 july,2009.
    • Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed University does not conduct Ph.D programme through distance education mode.

    2. Eligibility Criteria For Admission:

    • A candidate will be considered eligible for admission to Ph.D. degree programme in the subject or in the allied subject in which he/she has obtained a Master's Degree or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST category students) from a recognized University.
    • The candidate working in National Laboratories, Government Research Institutes, and Institute of National importance having the above qualification will be considered eligible for admission to a PH.D. degree programme provided he/she is nominated/sponsored by the employer. He/she will have to submit "NO Objection Certificate" from the employer.
    • the existing rules of eligibility prescribed by various Statutory Councils for admission to research degrees will also be applicable to admission to Ph.D. degree programmes of this university.

    3. Procedure For Admission:

    The admissions to Ph.D. programme will be done through an "All India Entrance Test" conducted by the University. Entrance examination will consist of one theory paper in the subject studied by the candidates at Post graduate level. The paper will be of 100 marks of three hours duration in the concerned subject.

    The syllabus is displayed on website

    Candidate should secure atleast 50% of marks(45% for reserved catagory) in theory paper to qualify for Ph.D. provisional registration.

    Centre, Date and Time of Entrance Test will be notified on website of University. The list of successful candidates will also be displayed on the Website of the University.

    4. A Candidate Who Satisfies any of The Following Shall be Exempted From Appearing at Entrance Test

    • If he/she is declared qualified in UGC/CSIR(JRF)examination/SLET/NET/Teacher Fellowship holder.
    • If he/she holds M.Phill degree of any University according to UGC new regulations 2009.
    • Foreign/NRI/PIO candidates.
    • 40% seats are reserved for candidates who are exempted from CET. Remaining 60% seats are reserved for general pool. If candidates from the above catagories are not available,then the vacants seats will go to general pool. However candidates exempted from CET will have to appear for viva voce examination.
    • The candidates thus exempted will have to submit the application form to the University before appearing for the viva voce within stipulated period with relevant supporting documents. Those who will qualify themselves in the Entrance Test will have to appear for an interview to be conducted by the university,in which their research interest area will be discussed.
  • Programme Guidelines

  • Presentations During the Ph.D. Research

    PHD Presentations

  • Syllabus For Ph.D. Programme – Management(Entrance and Course Work)

  • Summary of RDC Meeting

  • Enrolled Students

  • Guidelines For Submission of Plan of Research Work

  • Circulars

  • List of Approved Journals

  • Download Brochure

  • Admission Process

    Ph.D Admission Process

  • Eligibility

  • Instruction

  • Syllabus for Ph.D. Programme – Management(Entrance and Course work)

  • Download Brochure

Admission Enquiry

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