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FDP for Research Mentoring

Posted On - 25 Jul 2023
Start Date: 06 Jul 2023 | End Date: 06 Jul 2023

 Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be a university) -BVIMR)-On July 6, 2023, the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) for Research Mentoring was held in a workshop format under the guidance & inspiration of Hon'ble Director Prof. Dr. Yamini Agarwal.  Prof. Dr. S K Jain, Adjunct Professor, IIT Delhi and former Vice Chancellor of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, was invited as a special guest speaker. The Hon'ble Director greeted the Guest and left with best wishes for the program. Dr. S.K. Jain first illustrated how to create research proposals & common mistakes. He emphasized the principles of selecting an article topic as well as the anatomy of the study in order to fulfill criteria such as originality, interest, intricacy, and theoretical ramifications.  He recommended scholars seek out unconventional ideas in order to serve a wide range of stakeholders. Dr. Jain provided valuable feedback to present faculty members on the research proposals discussed. He reviewed the proposals & supervised the faculty members one on one. This FDP helped faculty members to receive research mentorship to assist them with many areas of research proposal writing and key skills; they learned about common pitfalls in proposal writing and how to prevent them.  Prof. Dr. Broto Bhardwaj, Research Head, greeted and introduced the special guest speaker & delivered the vote of thanks, Faculty members Shweta Sinha, Vijyata Kaushik, and Roshee Vaid organised the event.  The Coordinator was Nitin Mane.

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