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International Ozone Day 2023

Posted On - 02 Oct 2023
Start Date: 16 Sep 2023 | End Date: 16 Sep 2023

 Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)—Institute of Management & Research (BVIMR): Under the guidance & motivation of Hon'ble Director, Dr. Yamini Agarwal, BVIMR has celebrated "INTERNATIONAL OZONE DAY" on September 16th, 2023 with the goal of opening up opportunities to come up with ideas and innovations in Green Energy, Reliance on green practices that would help to relieve ozone layer depletion and reduce climate change.   Mr. Gokul Pandian, Director-EY (ESG, Climate Change), and Ms. Yeshika Malik (Climate Change Specialist, World Bank Group) were invited as the "Guest of Honour" in the inaugural session, where they shared their valuable insight, vision, and experience in a very interactive discussion with our students on topics such as green energy, decarbonization, sustainable business ideas, and each of our contributions to bring change in this world. BVIMR, New Delhi also organised events and competitions for our students, such as the Best Out of Waste Fashion Show, Sustainable Business Idea, Poster Making, and Rangoli Making, to raise awareness of climate change, advocate for sustainability, and generate business ideas for the preservation of the ozone layer. Students enthusiastically participated, demonstrating their creativity and team spirit. Ms. Rupam Jyoti Deka was the coordinator

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