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11th National Conference on Carving of Novel India
BBA LL.B / LL.B 3 Year
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International Conference

Posted On - 04 Dec 2014
Start Date: 16 Jan 2015 | End Date: 17 Jan 2015

About International Conference

The present conference is designed to look into the various challanges and opertunities in each functional area of management. It provides a forum to academicians,students,practitioners and consultants to delibrate upon the pressing issue of managing the GeNxt and evolving appropriate strategies to benefit from the digital experience of GeNxt. The conference will give insights about the recent trends in economics,marketing,human resource,information technology,international bussiness and marketing.



Generation Next is the age cohort of young people born during the "baby boomlet" of roughly 1980 to 1994.These young people,twenty five years old and younger,comprise the majority of students at most colleges and of new hires in the workforce and are increasingly being recognized as a unique cohort. This generation is richer than its preceding generations and lives in the high networked world.they are independent thinkers which are enviornment friendly and are more socially informed.A recent study shows that 40% of the indian population is youth and its purchasing is on increase. It has just get rid of old fashioned way of working. It presumes thateveryone who works for the whole life in the same company may not have got other options.Also,job hopping has become a sort of career ladder,the more one hops,the higher one reaches is the mentality they have. It uses technology as a way of life for connecting with people,shopping,searching and almost everything to do in their lives.
The typical,modal traditionally aged generation NeXt student as observed on most campuses might more fit the "emeging stereotype" ; they expect high grades without significant effort and often just for showing up;demand comfort and luxury more than a rigorous education; see themselves as consumers and expect services nad extended and direct personal attention on demand;have little respect for authority and show distain for collegial and social rules of conduct,instead asserting personal privilage;fail to differentiate between civil exchange of reasoned ideas and shouting personal beliefs,yet grow defensive when faced with constructive criticism;and have a naive sense of future.

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